Home > Artworks > José antonio tamayo cabrera

Photo of José antonio tamayo cabrera Spain

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José Antonio Tamayo Cabrera http://yucatama.artelista.com 689 208 895-CURRICULUM José Antonio Tamayo Cabrera (Havana, February 8, 1970) Graduate Sculpture (Provincial School of Art in Cienfuegos.) * 2007 _ Bank time. Murcia, Spain. * 2006 _ Bank mural time. Murcia, Spain. * 2005 _ Sculptural Complex Baseball Stadium Sept. 5. Cfgos, Cuba. * 2004 _ Memorial Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, Universidad de Cienfuegos. _ III...

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31.50 x 19.69 in
31.50 x 19.69 in
39.37 x 27.56 in
23.62 x 19.69 in
31.50 x 23.62 in
7.87 x 7.87 in
47.24 x 35.43 in
19.69 x 13.78 in
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José Antonio Tamayo Cabrera http://yucatama.artelista.com 689 208 895-CURRICULUM José Antonio Tamayo Cabrera (Havana, February 8, 1970) Graduate Sculpture (Provincial School of Art in Cienfuegos.) * 2007 _ Bank time. Murcia, Spain. * 2006 _ Bank mural time. Murcia, Spain. * 2005 _ Sculptural Complex Baseball Stadium Sept. 5. Cfgos, Cuba. * 2004 _ Memorial Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, Universidad de Cienfuegos. _ III Performance Day, Cfgos. _ Workshop reflection Suset Sanchez, The Burrow, C Habana. _ * 2003 Havana Biennial, RAIN Project, Lighting, Pabellón Cuba, Havana C. _ Editing Workshop, Stan Douglas, Casa Tania Bruguera, C Habana. _ Sound Exhibition, Project Arts of Conduct CDAV, C Habana. _ Bodyshop, Marianela Boán, Spanish Cultural Center, C Habana. _ Workshop limits, Angel Delgado, Casa Tania Bruguera, C Habana. _ Performance, Barricada, Central Park, C Habana. _ Performance Dogma, House Tania Bruguera, C Habana. _ Public Space Workshop, Carlos Garaicoa, C Habana. _ Workshop criticism, Eugenio Valdés, Instituto Superior de Arte, C Habana. _ Film Workshop, Arturo Arango, Casa de Tania Bruguera, C. Havana. _ Meeting of Students of the Academy of Arts in San Francisco, USA, presenting plays and workshops, guest artist, Tony Labat, Mike Osterhouse, Hans Winkler, Nao Bustamante, Art Institute, C Habana. _ Performance, The Palate, art of Conduct Project, Casa Tania Bruguera. _ Project intervention, 03031, Calle Santa Elena, Cfgos. * 2002 _ Hall on September 5. _ Cfgos thesis (our bread). _ Cfgos Cfgos City Hall. _ Hall ceramics. * 2001 _ Hall C. Cuban contemporary art Havana. _ Visuarte (living painting and drawing, installations and sculpture hall, lounge mood, performance hall) Cfgos. _ Hall students (EPA Manuel Feijó) VC _ Cfgos Hall on September 5. _ Cfgos City Hall. _ Cfgos ceramic Hall. _ Expo "SKETCHES" Cfgos. _ Collective Expo (Experimental Workshop. EPA. Benny Moré) Cfgos. _ Students Hall (Academy 2001) C. Havana. * 2000 _ September 5th Hall. Cfgos. _ Cfgos City Hall. _ The erotic and sexual. (Satyricon) Cfgos. _ Hall Cfgos sea. * 1999 _ September 5 Cfgos Hall. _ Cfgos City Hall. Exhibition of small format _ _ VC VC Student lounge _ AWARDS 1st Prize at VC _ small format City Hall 2000. City Hall _ 2001. Mar 2000 _ Hall. Hall of ceramic _ 2001. VC Student lounge _ _ Visuarte (living painting and drawing) 2001. _ Ceramic Exhibition 2002. Special mention MENTIONS _ Regional Folk Art Show 1998 VC _ City Hall 1999. Cfgos. _ Hall September 5, 2000 Cfgos. _ Hall September 5, 2001 Cfgos. _ Visuarte 2001 (Installations and Sculpture Hall) 2001 Cfgos. SPECIAL AWARDS _ _ UNEAC Award Hall of the city. _ Visuarte AHS Award 2001 (Exhibition of Painting and Drawing). Provincial Center Award Book. 2001 _ Hall Sept. 5. 2002

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